Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Words from the drivers ( China F1 )

Words from the McLaren Drivers.

Jenson Button (2nd Place)

“Congratulations to Nico [Rosberg] today – he drove a faultless race. But who knows what we couldhave achieved if we’d had a clear run at him in the final stint? Our pace was very good and the aim wasto come out ahead of that following pack of cars – which we would have done if we hadn’t lost time inthe pitstop – and chase him down and put him under pressure. The delay in the final stop was just oneof those things though – all the other stops had been very strong this weekend, but that one inparticular wasn’t. 
The delay pushed me back into the traffic, which was a little bit of a shock, but thepace and consistency are there in the car and I was able to get back into second position, after a goodbattle and a satisfying pass on Sebastian [Vettel]. It’s disappointing not to have been able to challengefor the win, but it was a fun race with tons of overtaking and lots of battling. More important, it’s been agreat day for Vodafone McLaren Mercedes because we’re now leading both world championships. It’svery important to be consistent, and it’s nice to be back on the podium, but there are just a couple oflittle things we need to improve upon to make life even better for ourselves.”
Lewis Hamilton (3rd Place)
“I had a great race! And, although neither Jenson nor I was sadly able to win, I’m really happy that Nicotook his first win today, but I’m also really pleased for the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes team: bothJenson and I were able to get back on the podium and score some more good points. It was a toughrace, though: I’d love to have been able to challenge Nico, and I think maybe I’d have been able to if I’dstarted on the front row, but we still managed to move forwards from the start I had a lot of funovertaking people too. I reckon I got everything out of the car that I possibly could. It’s also a majorpositive to know that we’ve got a very consistent car. 
We just have to make sure we keep movingforwards, that’s all. Mercedes AMG, Red Bull, Ferrari, Lotus and Sauber are all up there – that’s aserious championship and it’s going to make for great racing for the fans to watch. It’s been a whilesince I was at the top of the drivers’ world championship – but we’ve got to remain focused. I think if Ijust continue to work as I am then the wins will surely come, and I’ll keep pushing for some betterresults in the future.”

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